As we embark on a new month, our hearts are filled with anticipation and excitement for the divine journey ahead. Our theme for the month, "I am Ordained for Joy Overflow," draws inspiration from the anchoring scripture found in Proverbs 17:22, which beautifully declares, "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Under the insightful guidance of our esteemed Senior Pastor, Apostle Fred Newman, we are set to delve into a transformative teaching series that promises to illuminate the path to joy overflow. Pastor Newman, a beacon of wisdom and faith, will lead us through profound insights drawn from both scripture and personal experience.
In this teaching series, we will explore the profound truth that joy is not just a fleeting emotion but a divine ordination for believers. We are called to cultivate a joyful heart that serves as a healing balm in our lives and radiates God's love to those around us.
As we navigate this series together, let's come prepared for a deeper understanding of the divine principles that unlock the gates to joy overflow. Our hearts are eager to receive the abundance of joy that God has ordained for us.
Furthermore, for those seeking prayers and counseling during this transformative journey, we extend an invitation to reach out to our dedicated pastoral team. Your spiritual well-being is our priority, and we are here to provide support and guidance.
For prayers and counseling, please contact us at +234 803 110 5618. Our pastoral team is ready to listen, pray, and walk with you on your journey to joy overflow.
May this month be a season of unparalleled joy, growth, and spiritual abundance for each member of the DSCG family. Let us embrace our divine ordination for joy overflow and step into the fullness of God's blessings.
DaySpring Christian Gathering (DSCG)